Row 1 - Cell 1
Row 2 - Cell 1
Row 3 - Cell 1

Coding examples

h1 - natural, isolated, centered, paragraph

h1 - with font/color

h1 - with size=6

h2 - natural, isolated, text size, embeds in text

- this is "bare" regular text

h3 - natural, larger than text, left justified, paragraph

h4 - natural, about the size as text, different font, left justified, paragraph

h5 - paragraph
h6 - tiny, paragraph

Text - natural, (text code examples follow), use "p" for paragraph breaks or "br /"

Extra Spaces -     "& n b s p ;"

Span and Character

Grey- aaaaaa
Black- 000000
Dark Pink - FFC0CB
Light Pink - FFB6C1
Hot Pink - FF69B4
Deep Pink - FF1493
Pink - be0081

Crimson Red - DC143C
Firebrick Red - B22222
Dark Red - 8B0000
Dark Red - c00000

Orange - ffa000
Orange Red - FF4500

Bright Green - 00c000
Forest Green - 228B22
Green - 008000
Hunter Green - 355e3b
Footer Green - 014421

Light Slate Blue - 8470ff
Royal Blue - 4169e1
Cornflower Blue - 6495ed
Soft Blue - 0b637e
Blue, Hyperlink? - 0000ff
Medium Blue - 0000cd
Just lighter than Header Blue/Black - 0603bb
Header Blue - 060398



blue font color, size = 6

  1. ordered list item 1
  2. ordered list item 2
----------------------------- Indentation
Indented Text using the div style="margin-left: 2em;" command inside of angle brackets

Image/Text Allignment, img function

The Science of Success Schools align="top "

The Science of Success Schools is the core of this business and has several programs designed to help individuals and small business to succeed starting with learning how to NOT fails.

The Science of Success Schools align="bottom"

The Science of Success Schools is the core of this business and has several programs designed to help individuals and small business to succeed starting with learning how to NOT fails.

The Science of Success Schools align="middle"

The Science of Success Schools is the core of this business and has several programs designed to help individuals and small business to succeed starting with learning how to NOT fails.

The Science of Success Schools align="left"

The Science of Success Schools is the core of this business and has several programs designed to help individuals and small business to succeed starting with learning how to NOT fails.

The Science of Success Schools align="right"

The Science of Success Schools is the core of this business and has several programs designed to help individuals and small business to succeed starting with learning how to NOT fails.

Company List

Company Mailing Address Phone Number Website
Auto Owners No Address No Phone No URL